Frequently Asked Questions

How does Aviator ONE improve my efficiency?

Instead of having to compile information by yourself, using text editor and spread sheet programs, Aviator ONE smartly draws and compiles data from its database to generate documents and reports. Aviator ONE will have reports ready for you within a few clicks that otherwise would take hours to research.

Can I get statistics about crew and aircraft hours?

Aviator ONE includes a comprehensive reporting center that allows for reports of crew duty times and aircraft times and movements.

How long does it take to calculate and email a charter quote to a customer?

To generate a quick quote consisting of four legs for a new customer will take you approximately five minutes.

Can I adjust documents such as a charter quote, a confirmation letter or an invoice according to the needs of our company?

All documents can be custom tailored according to your needs. Either your Aviator ONE system administrator or your Aviator ONE support team will be able to help with that.

How much time does Aviator ONE save me preparing a flight?

Aviator ONE will save a flight dispatcher time in the following ways:

The trip details will mostly already exist in the system based on the previous work Charter Sales put into this specific trip.

Aviator ONE includes crew scheduling and document management for aircraft and crew. Aviator ONE saves you the hassle to manually check for document validity and crew assignment.

Service requests such as handling requests can be generated with a few clicks.

Operations related documents such as a Crew Briefing or Master Ticket can be generated with a few clicks.